Table of Contents
Recently was down for more than a day so I decided to create my own Bitlbee gateway
Well, nothing special.
Server config
All of this takes place in /etc/bitlbee/bitlbee.conf
RunMode = Daemon User = bitlbee DaemonInterface = DaemonPort = 6667 AuthMode = Open #AuthMode = Registered
Once registered, you can switch the Authmode to Registered
chown -R bitlbee:bitlbee /var/lib/bitlbee
Then start the bitlbee daemon.
systemctl start bitlbee
You can also enable the bitlbee daemon to run on startup like so:
systemctl enable bitlbee
First thing to do, connect via your IRC client, then go to the &bitlbee channel:
register /oper <enter a nice password>
Should display:
@root -> Account successfully created
afortier Now you can switch the AuthMode (see above)
Add accounts
account add jabber P4ssw0rd
I recommend using the bitlbee-facebook plugin (see References below)
account add facebook <your email> <your password> account <number> on
Google Talk
Group chat / Hangout is NOT supported
account add jabber
@root -> Account successfully added with tag gtalk @root -> You can now use the /OPER command to enter the password @root -> Alternatively, enable OAuth if the account supports it: account gtalk set oauth on
OAuth is your friend!
account gtalk set oauth on
@root -> oauth = `on'
Activate the account:
account gtalk on
A new window opens called 'jabber_oauth' with a huge link that opens a Google page. You have to authorize Bitlbee then paste the code from the text field in this new window. Once pasted, the following message appears in 'jabber_oauth': jabber_oauth is offline and in &bitlbee:
@root -> gtalk - Logging in: Starting OAuth authentication @root -> gtalk - Logging in: Requesting OAuth access token @root -> gtalk - Logging in: Connecting @root -> gtalk - Logging in: Connected to server, logging in @root -> gtalk - Logging in: Converting stream to TLS @root -> gtalk - Logging in: Connected to server, logging in @root -> gtalk - Logging in: Authentication finished @root -> gtalk - Logging in: Server changed session resource string to `BitlBee666777888' @root -> gtalk - Logging in: Authenticated, requesting buddy list @root -> gtalk - Logging in: Logged in
Useful Commands
- List
account list
- Delete
account <number> del
- Connect/Disconnect
account <number - optional> on
Will connect them all if no number is given
- Change password
account <number> set password <new_password>
- Tags
account <number> set tag <new tag>
- Settings
account <number> set
- Info
info <nick> Nice for the nicknames of Google
- Rename
rename <nick> <new nick>
- List
2 ways:/names
- List
IRSSI integration
If you have a nice IRSSI, you can add these nice commands:
/channel add -auto -botcmd '/say identify\; /oper' &bitlbee bitlbee /save
To be completed/tested