My actual ~/.bashrc with:
- Alias
- Completions
- Functions
- Fun Prompt
You need:
- bash
- ccze
# # ~/.bashrc # # If not running interactively, don't do anything [[ $- != *i* ]] && return # include the global system file if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then . /etc/bashrc fi # Add some color schema if [[ "$TERM" != "linux" && -f ~/.dircolors.256colors ]]; then eval $(dircolors ~/.dircolors.256colors) elif [[ -f ~/.dircolors ]]; then eval $(dircolors ~/.dircolors) fi # Add some nice folder in the path PATH=$PATH:~/bin export PATH # Default editor export EDITOR=vim # Bash options shopt -s checkwinsize # check the window size after each command and, if necessary, update the values of LINES and COLUMNS. shopt -s cdspell # autocorrects cd misspellings shopt -s dotglob # include dotfiles in pathname expansion shopt -s autocd # auto "cd" to a directory # don't put duplicate lines and same sucessive entries in the history. export HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth # Colorized less command export LESS_TERMCAP_mb=$'\E[01;31m' # begin blinking export LESS_TERMCAP_md=$'\E[01;31m' # begin bold export LESS_TERMCAP_me=$'\E[0m' # end mode export LESS_TERMCAP_se=$'\E[0m' # end standout-mode export LESS_TERMCAP_so=$'\E[01;44m' # begin standout-mode – info export LESS_TERMCAP_ue=$'\E[0m' # end underline export LESS_TERMCAP_us=$'\E[32m' # begin underline # Overload actual commands alias grep='grep --color=auto' alias dmesg='dmesg -HL' alias vi='vim' alias ls='ls -G --color' # New aliases alias fifo="echo $1 > ~/FIFO" alias lc="ls -al | tr -s \" \" | cut -d\" \" -f3,4,9 | column -t" alias ll="ls -altrh | tr -s \" \" | cut -d\" \" -f6,7,8,3,4,5,9 | column -t" alias learning="whatis \$(compgen -c) 2>/dev/null | sort | less" alias da='date "+%A, %B %d, %Y [%T]"' alias horloge="watch -n1 -t \"date '+%H:%M:%S' | toilet -f future\"" ## FileSystem Aliases ## alias lsl='ls -lh | ccze -A' # list files, dirs alias usage='du -ch | grep total' # size of current dir alias dut="du -h -c -d 1" # lst with size of elements in current dir alias size='sudo du -hsx * | sort -rh | head -10 | ccze -A' # list 10 dir/files by size alias sizevar='sudo du -a /var | sort -n -r | head -n 10 | ccze -A' # list 10 dir by size alias sizehome="sudo du -a ~/ | sort -n -r | head -n 10 | ccze -A" # list 10 dir by size alias lsbig="echo listing files & directories by size | pv -qL 10 && ls -lSrh | ccze -A" # sort files dirs by size alias listmod="ls -ltr | ccze -A" # list modified files alias listf="ls -F | ccze -A" # list alphabeticaly alias findit="sudo find / -name" # find files alias upd60="find . -mmin -60" # updated files currentdir for last 60mins alias rtupd60=" find / -mtime -1" # updated files in / for last 60mins ## Network Aliases alias netlisten='lsof -i -P | grep LISTEN | ccze -A' #listening ports alias nstat="netstat -p TCP -eWc | ccze -A" #netstat alias nstato="netstat -tuael --numeric-hosts --numeric-ports | ccze -A" #netstat alias ports='netstat -tulanp | ccze -A' #netstat alias speeddown="echo Displaying Download Speed Graph| pv -qL 10 && speedometer -rx eth0" alias speedup="echo Displaying Upload Speed Graph | pv -qL 10 && speedometer -tx eth0" alias speedrw="echo Show R/W speeds | pv -qL 10 && dd bs=1000000 count=100 if=/dev/zero of=testfile & speedometer testfile" ## System Aliases ## alias h='history | ccze -A' # Nice history alias sourcebash="source ~/.bashrc" # source .bashrc alias inxif="inxi -F | ccze -A" # System information # Drives alias uuid="echo → Listing this system \($(hostname)\) UUID | pv -qL 10 && ls /dev/disk/by-uuid/ -alh | ccze -A" # UUID list alias drives="echo → Listing connected drives on \($(hostname)\) | pv -qL 10 && lsblk -f | ccze -A" # list hdds, uuid's # Systemd alias kernelmsg="sudo journalctl -f _TRANSPORT=kernel | ccze -A" # kernel messages alias bootmsg="echo → Boot Messages | pv -qL 10 && sudo journalctl -b | ccze -A" # boot messages alias systemdmsg="sudo journalctl /usr/lib/systemd/systemd | ccze -A" # dmesg alias blame="systemd-analyze blame | ccze -A" # WTF slowed down the boot alias boot="echo → Boot Time | pv -qL 10 && systemd-analyze | ccze -A" # Boot time alias units="echo → Listing Units (Systemd) | pv -qL 10 && systemctl list-units | ccze -A" # List of Units alias errors="echo → Systemd Journal Errors | pv -qL 10 && journalctl -b -p err | ccze -A" # Errors # Ram alias meminfo='echo "RAM Information " | pv -qL 10 &&free -m -l -t | ccze -A' # RAM information alias psmem='echo "Top Processes accesing RAM " | pv -qL 10 && ps auxf | sort -nr -k 4 | ccze -A' # Process eating RAM # CPU alias cpuinfo='lscpu | ccze -A' #CPU info alias pscpu='echo "Top Processes accesing CPU " | pv -qL 10 && ps auxf | sort -nr -k 3 | ccze -A' # Process eating CPU # Terminal Clock alias tclock="while sleep 1;do tput sc;tput cup 0 $(($(tput cols)-29));date;tput rc;done &" ## Xrandr Aliases ## # Switch Single head alias singlehead='xrandr --output DP3 --off --output DP2 --off --output DP1 --off --output HDMI3 --off --output HDMI2 --off --output HDMI1 --off --output LVDS1 --mode 1366x768 --pos 0x0 --rotate normal --primary' # Switch Dual head (screen left of) alias dualleft='xrandr --output DP3 --off --output DP2 --off --output DP1 --off --output HDMI3 --off --output HDMI2 --off --output HDMI1 --off --output LVDS1 --mode 1366x768 --pos 1920x592 --rotate normal --output VGA1 --mode 1920x1080 --pos 0x0 --rotate normal --primary' alias FvwmRestart='killall trayer ; FvwmCommand Restart' # User specific Aliases and functions function remove_crap() { rm -r $@; } # Removes everything passed as argument recursively function add_txt_ext() { mv $@ $@.txt; } # Add .txt extention to file passed as argument # copy a file and change its filename to filename-timestamp function fbackup() { cp -iv $1{,.bkp.$(date -d @`stat -c %Z $1` +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S)}; } # Remove offending key line $1 function rmkeyssh() { sed -i "${1}d" ~/.ssh/known_hosts; } ## DICTIONARY FUNCTIONS ## dwordnet () { curl dict://${1}:wn; } dacron () { curl dict://${1}:vera; } djargon () { curl dict://${1}:jargon; } dfoldoc () { curl dict://${1}:foldoc; } dthesaurus () { curl dict://${1}:moby-thes; } ## Website Commands ## cmdfu() { curl "$(echo "$@" | sed 's/ /-/g')/$(echo -n $@ | base64)/plaintext" ;} down4me() { curl -s "$1" | sed '/just you/!d;s/<[^>]*>//g';} # Swap 2 files around, if they exist (from Uzi's bashrc). function swap() { # Create temp file local TMPFILE=tmp.$$ # Check availability of files [ $# -ne 2 ] && echo "swap: 2 arguments needed" && return 1 [ ! -e $1 ] && echo "swap: $1 does not exist" && return 1 [ ! -e $2 ] && echo "swap: $2 does not exist" && return 1 # Move it mv "$1" $TMPFILE mv "$2" "$1" mv $TMPFILE "$2" } # Handy Extract Program function extract() { if [ -f "$1" ] ; then case "$1" in *.tar.bz2) tar xvjf "$1" ;; *.tar.gz) tar xvzf "$1" ;; *.bz2) bunzip2 "$1" ;; *.rar) unrar x "$1" ;; *.gz) gunzip "$1" ;; *.tar) tar xvf "$1" ;; *.tbz2) tar xvjf "$1" ;; *.tgz) tar xvzf "$1" ;; *.zip) unzip "$1" ;; *.Z) uncompress "$1" ;; *.7z) 7z x "$1" ;; *) echo "'$1' cannot be extracted via >extract<" ;; esac else echo "'$1' is not a valid file!" fi } # Creates an archive (*.tar.gz) from given directory. function maketar() { tar cvzf "${1%%/}.tar.gz" "${1%%/}/"; } # Create a ZIP archive of a file or folder. function makezip() { zip -r "${1%%/}.zip" "$1" ; } # Alias root to ssh as root directly alias root='ssh -l root' # tab completion for ssh hosts SSH_COMPLETE=( $(cat ~/.ssh/known_hosts | \ cut -f 1 -d ' ' | \ sed -e s/,.*//g | \ uniq | \ egrep -v ^[0123456789]) ) complete -o default -W "${SSH_COMPLETE[*]}" ssh complete -o default -W "${SSH_COMPLETE[*]}" root # Auto-complete bticket with the ticket numbers TICKET_COMPLETE=( $(/usr/bin/ls -1 ~/Bacula/ticket) ) complete -o default -W "${TICKET_COMPLETE[*]}" bticket # auto completion for sudo whereis and man complete -cf sudo complete -cf whereis complete -cf man battery_status() { BATTERY=/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0 CHARGE=`cat $BATTERY/capacity` BATSTATE=`cat $BATTERY/status` # Colors for humans NON='\033[00m' BLD='\033[01m' RED='\033[01;31m' GRN='\033[01;32m' YEL='\033[01;33m' COLOUR="$RED" case "${BATSTATE}" in 'Charged') BATSTT="$BLD=$NON" ;; 'Charging') BATSTT="$BLD+$NON" ;; 'Discharging') BATSTT="$BLD-$NON" ;; esac # prevent a charge of more than 100% displaying if [ "$CHARGE" -gt "99" ] then CHARGE=100 fi # prevent an error if the battery is not in the laptop (e.g. you have two and take out the primary) STATE=`cat $BATTERY/present` if [ "$STATE" == '0' ] then echo -e "${RED}nobat" exit fi if [ "$CHARGE" -gt "15" ] then COLOUR="$YEL" fi if [ "$CHARGE" -gt "30" ] then COLOUR="$GRN" fi echo -e "${BATSTT}${COLOUR}${CHARGE}%${NON}" } ################################################## # Fancy PWD display function ################################################## # The home directory (HOME) is replaced with a ~ # The last pwdmaxlen characters of the PWD are displayed # Leading partial directory names are striped off # /home/me/stuff -> ~/stuff if USER=me # /usr/share/big_dir_name -> ../share/big_dir_name if pwdmaxlen=20 ################################################## bash_prompt_command() { # How many characters of the $PWD should be kept local pwdmaxlen=35 # Indicate that there has been dir truncation local trunc_symbol=".." local dir=${PWD##*/} pwdmaxlen=$(( ( pwdmaxlen < ${#dir} ) ? ${#dir} : pwdmaxlen )) NEW_PWD=${PWD/#$HOME/\~} local pwdoffset=$(( ${#NEW_PWD} - pwdmaxlen )) if [ ${pwdoffset} -gt "0" ] then NEW_PWD=${NEW_PWD:$pwdoffset:$pwdmaxlen} NEW_PWD=${trunc_symbol}/${NEW_PWD#*/} fi } function draw_line(){ # Function that creates a line terminal wide # Seprataor #local DOTS="≡" for (( c=1; c<=$(tput cols); c++ )) do DOTS=$(echo -n $DOTS"≡") done } function load_out() { echo -n "$(uptime | sed -e "s/.*load average: \(.*\...\), \(.*\...\), \(.*\...\).*/\1/" -e "s/ //g")" } function load_color() { # Colour progression is important ... # bold gray -> bold green -> bold yellow -> bold red -> # black on red -> bold white on red # # Then we have to choose the values at which the colours switch, with # anything past yellow being pretty important. # Colors are defined in the load function / blinking for load > 2 tmp=$(echo $(load_out)*100 | bc) let load100=${tmp%.*} if [ ${load100} -lt 70 ] then printf "${EMK}" elif [ ${load100} -ge 70 ] && [ ${load100} -lt 120 ] then printf "${EMG}" elif [ ${load100} -ge 120 ] && [ ${load100} -lt 200 ] then printf "${EMY}" elif [ ${load100} -ge 200 ] && [ ${load100} -lt 300 ] then printf "${BLINK}${EMR}" elif [ ${load100} -ge 300 ] && [ ${load100} -lt 500 ] then printf "${BLINK}${EMK}${BGR}" else printf "${BLINK}${EMW}${BGR}" fi } function load { case $TERM in xterm*|rxvt*) local TITLEBAR='\[\033]0;\u:${NEW_PWD}\007\]' ;; *) local TITLEBAR="" ;; esac local NONE="\[\033[0m\]" # unsets color to term's fg color local BLINK="\[\033[5m\]" # Blink text # regular colors local K="\[\033[0;30m\]" # black local R="\[\033[0;31m\]" # red local G="\[\033[0;32m\]" # green local Y="\[\033[0;33m\]" # yellow local B="\[\033[0;34m\]" # blue local M="\[\033[0;35m\]" # magenta local C="\[\033[0;36m\]" # cyan local W="\[\033[0;37m\]" # white # empahsized (bolded) colors local EMK="\[\033[1;30m\]" local EMR="\[\033[1;31m\]" local EMG="\[\033[1;32m\]" local EMY="\[\033[1;33m\]" local EMB="\[\033[1;34m\]" local EMM="\[\033[1;35m\]" local EMC="\[\033[1;36m\]" local EMW="\[\033[1;37m\]" # background colors local BGK="\[\033[40m\]" local BGR="\[\033[41m\]" local BGG="\[\033[42m\]" local BGY="\[\033[43m\]" local BGB="\[\033[44m\]" local BGM="\[\033[45m\]" local BGC="\[\033[46m\]" local BGW="\[\033[47m\]" local UC=$W # user's color [ $UID -eq "0" ] && UC=$R # root's color # PS1="#\! ∴ ${EMG}\D{%H:%M:%S}${NONE} ∴ ${UC}\u${EMK}@${EMG}\h${NONE}:$(tty) ${EMB} ${NEW_PWD}${NONE}\n∵ | \[$(load_color)\]\$(load_out)${NONE} | ${EMK}→${W}>${EMW}>${NONE} " # PS1="${EMK}${DOTS}${NONE}\n\342\224\214\342\225\274[ \$(if [[ \$? == 0 ]]; then printf '${EMG}'\342\234\223'${NONE}'; else printf '${EMR}'\342\234\227'${NONE}'; fi)\ # ∴ \# ∴ ${EMG}\D{%H:%M:%S}${NONE} ∴ ${UC}\u${EMK}@${EMG}\h${NONE}:$(tty)]${EMB} ${NEW_PWD}${NONE}\n\ #\342\224\224\342\224\200\342\224\200\342\225\274[ \[$(load_color)\]\$(load_out)${NONE} ] ${EMK}→${W}>${EMW}>${NONE} " PS1="${EMK}${DOTS}${NONE}\n\342\224\214\342\225\274 \$(if [[ \$? == 0 ]]; then printf '${EMG}'\342\234\223'${NONE}'; else printf '${EMR}'\342\234\227'${NONE}'; fi) ∴ \# ∴ ${EMG}\D{%H:%M:%S}${NONE} ∴ \$(battery_status) ∴ ${UC}\u${EMK}@${EMG}\h${NONE}:$(tty)${EMB} ${NEW_PWD}${NONE}\n\342\224\224\342\224\200\342\224\200\342\225\274 $(load_color)\$(load_out)${NONE} ${EMK}→${W}>${EMW}>${NONE} " unset DOTS } PROMPT_COMMAND="history -a; history -c; history -r;bash_prompt_command;draw_line;load_color;load"
The prompt will looks like:
≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡ ┌╼ ✓ ∴ 66 ∴ 12:01:09 ∴ 99% ∴ warnaud@Yoru:/dev/pts/1 ~/Documents └──╼ 0.48 →>>
You need the ~/.dircolors and ~/.dircolors.256colors files
dotfiles/bashrc.txt · Last modified: 2020/12/17 05:23 by