Dedicated file for dedicated applications/menus/style* on the laptop Yoru


## Dedicated Yoru configuration
AddToFunc InitFunction
# Thinkpad deamon - when it works ...
+ I Exec exec sudo tpb -d
AddToFunc StartFunction
# trayer has to be set by hand …
# at home:
+ I Test (EnvMatch VGASCREEN PL2773H) Exec exec trayer --edge bottom --align right --widthtype pixel --width 130 --margin 0 --transparent true --alpha 255 --expand true --distance 90
# at work and everywhere else
+ I TestRc (NoMatch) Exec exec trayer --edge bottom --align right --widthtype pixel --width 130 --margin 0 --transparent true --alpha 255 --expand true
DestroyMenu MenuFvwmMain
AddToMenu MenuFvwmMain  " $[USER] " Title
+ ""                            Nop
+ "&Terminal"                   FvwmTerm
+ "&Screen"                     FvwmScreen
+ ""                            Nop
+ "&Navigateur Web"             FvwmWeb
+ "&Mail"                       FvwmMail
+ "&IRC"                        FvwmIrssi
+ ""                            Nop
+ "&VirtualBox"                 Exec exec VirtualBox
+ "Teamviewer"                  FvwmTeamViewer
+ ""                            Nop
+ "&File Manager"               FvwmFm
+ ""                            Nop
+ "Tools"                       Popup MenuFvwmTools
+ ""                            Nop
+ "&System"                     Popup MenuFvwmSystem
+ ""                            Nop
+ "&Quit"                       Module FvwmButtons ModQuit
DestroyMenu MenuFvwmSystem
AddToMenu MenuFvwmSystem " Configure System " Title
+ ""                            Nop
+ "Keymap Compose: &PrintSc"    Exec exec setxkbmap -option grp:shift_caps_toggle,compose:pscr -layout "us,us" -variant "intl,"
+ "Keymap Compose: &RightWin"   Exec exec setxkbmap -option grp:shift_caps_toggle,compose:rwin -layout "us,us" -variant "intl,"
+ ""                            Nop
+ "S&ynergy Server"             Exec exec sh -c 'killall synergys-1.3 || true && sleep 5 && synergys-1.3'
+ ""                            Nop
+ "&Android"                    Popup MenuFvwmAndroid
+ ""                            Nop
+ "&Fvwm"                       Popup MenuFvwmConfig
+ ""                            Nop
+ "&Networks"                   Popup MenuFvwmNetworks
+ ""                            Nop
+ "&Services"                   Popup MenuFvwmServices
DestroyMenu MenuFvwmAndroid
AddToMenu MenuFvwmAndroid "Android" Title
+ ""                    Nop
+ "&Linconnect Server"  Exec exec linconnect-server
# In case of 2 display make IRSSI window sticky
Test (EnvMatch NUMBEROFSCREENS 2 ) Style "IRSSI" MiniIcon irssi.png, Icon irssi.png , EWMHMiniIconOverride, NoTitle, Sticky
# Launch IRSSI window at defined geometry
DestroyFunc FvwmIrssi
AddToFunc FvwmIrssi                                                                                           
+ I Test (EnvMatch VGASCREEN PL2773H) Exec exec urxvt -title IRSSI -name IRSSI -geometry 143x42+1965+281 +sb -bc -e screen -A -d -R IRSSI -c ~/.fvwm/settings/programs/.screenrc-irssi
+ I TestRc (NoMatch) Exec exec urxvt -title IRSSI -name IRSSI -geometry 143x42+33+74 +sb -bc -e screen -A -d -R IRSSI -c ~/.fvwm/settings/programs/.screenrc-irssi